unresolved baggage with your likeness
- The Science of Light by Serge Haroche (2021)
- originally published as La Lumière révélée, Odile Jacob 2020
- An Ideal Presence by Eduardo Berti (2021)
- originally published as Une présence idéale, Flammarion 2017
- The Revival of Democracy in America and the Better Angels of Your Nature by Renaud Lassus (2021)
- originally published as Le Renouveau de la démocratie en Amérique, Odile Jacob 2020
- Selections from Éric Chevillard's“Sine die” quarantine column (2020)
- originally published in Le Monde, 2020
- Various texts by Peter Bichsel (1969–2004)
- in Music & Literature no. 9, 2019
- “Les Moëres” by Alexandre Laumonier (2019)
- from 4, Zones Sensibles 2019
- Various texts by François Morellet (1967–2008)
- in François Morellet, Yale University Press 2019
- All That Is Evident Is Suspect: Readings from the Oulipo 1963–2018 by the Oulipo (2018)
- co-translated and co-edited with Ian Monk
- “Autofiction” and other texts by Éric Chevillard (2017)
- from Péloponnèse, Fata Morgana 2013 (I think) and various other sources
- “The Man Who Killed Édouard Levé” by Thomas Clerc (2017)
- from L'homme qui tua Roland Barthes et autres nouvelles, L'arbalète/Gallimard 2010
- “They are not like you and me” by Paul Griffiths (2015)
- originally "Les autres," unpublished but read at Oulipo meeting no. 654 in 2015
- Minute-Operas by Frédéric Forte (2014)
- co-translated with Ian Monk, Michelle Noteboom, & Jean-Jacques Poucel
- originally published as Opéras-minute, Théâtre Typographique 2005
- “Painting at Dora” by François Le Lionnais (2013, reprinted 2014)
- from Confluences, 1946; reprinted as La Peinture à Dora, L’Échoppe 2000
- "To sleep, perchance to dream" by Anne F. Garréta (2013)
- from Anthologie de l'OuLiPo, Gallimard 2009
- La Boutique Obscure by Georges Perec (2013)
- originally published as La boutique obscure, Denoël 1973
- “Miguel Chevalier: A feast for the eyes at the crossroads of art, science, and technology” (2008)
- in Miguel Chevalier 2000/2008, Monografik Editions 2008
- “Alchemy in Motion” by Dominique Delouche (2008)
- in Balanchine Then and Now (Anne Hogan, ed.), Sylph Editions 2008
- "A Few Musketeers" by Hervé Le Tellier (2008)
- from Quelques mousquetaires, Le Castor Astral 1999
- "Letter, from the Author to his Editor, to Accompany this Book” by Marcel Bénabou (2006)
- from L’Appentis revisité, Berg International 2003
- “The Hashishian Club” (excerpt) by Théophile Gautier (2003)
- from Revue des deux mondes, 1846; collected in Récits fantastiques, Flammarion 2007